- Fee payment can be done through online mode. Visit the following link
• For Website link: -
• Play store link: - Scan the QR code for mobile application
Login info: School Id - hcss
Username: Student’s admission number
Password: Student’s admission number
- Parents can deposit the fees in bank. Adm No. Name, Class, Section & Contact number to be written at the back side of the cheque. Kindly refer to following address of the bank:
- An additional charge as per the bank norms will be charged in case of cheque is dishonoured.
- 50/-will be charged as late fee after 15th of the month indicated. Kindly clear the dues on time.
- Feb-March Fee installment should be paid before 10th February.
Bank Of Baroda, near Geeta Bhawan Chowk, Shani Mandir, Saarang road, Sonipat.